White Sage & Sweet Grass Smudge Stick
Burned to promote happiness, open heartedness and harmony, sweetgrass is a sacred plant like sage that has long been used in smudging ceremonies. Yet unlike sage, which is a shrub, sweetgrass is actually a type of grass. Traditionally, sage has been used to ward off evil spirits and cleanse a space, person or object.
Removal of Unwanted Spirits: Sage can be burned in your home to cleanse it of a haunting or unwanted spirit activity.
Physical and Emotional Advantages: Burning sage is useful in cleansing oneself from psychic and emotional trauma. Much like clearing a space, the smoke from sage can be fanned around your body with the intent to remove emotional blocks in the energy field.
Healing and Chakra Balancing: People who do Reiki and other forms of energy healing can fan the sage smoke around their client's body to balance the energy centers, otherwise known as Chakras.
Relaxation: The smell of burning sage can increase relaxation and aid in deeper meditation.
When we smudge, we first cleanse our hands with the smoke as if we were washing our hands. We then draw the smoke over our heads, eyes, ears, mouths and our bodies. These actions remind us to think good thoughts, see good actions, hear good sounds, speak good words, and show the good of who we are.
When done correctly and respectfully, burning sage is completely safe and the effects last after the smoke clears.
Be careful with sage when it’s lit. If you aren’t careful, burns and even fire is possible. Have water nearby.
Never leave burning sage unattended. Make sure to put your sage bundle out completely after every use.
Setting off smoke alarms is common. Consider this if burning sage in a public building.
People with asthma and other respiratory conditions may be more sensitive to the smoke and have adverse reactions.
Always leave a window open while burning sage. Inhaling smoke can be hazardous to your health.